Some say: “there’s light at the end of every tunnel”; others say: there are silver linings in every dark cloud… I sat, watched, hoped and prayed that this could be the case. Days passed by, then months and then reality stepped in and I came to find out that that’s how it’s going to remain. Years have passed by and now 18 years down the line, I still miss you like it was yesterday.
There were no phones, but like Shakespeare said in ROMEO AND JULIET, "bad news travels faster than good news" ; the message got to us swifter than a jet across the Atlantic.
January 10, 1998 was like doom’s day. My ears were heavy. My head was light, my brain blank. I could barely think. I could hardly believe it. I had to see you myself to believe it was real. I’m so sure I wasn’t alone in this… we got on board and sailed the land like it were a sea and in no distant time, we got to where your body laid. I had to touch you, call on you, and dare you not to respond… How could you do this to me? How about all the promises you made me? How about the hopes and dreams we shared. The institutions you promised to send me to so I could become all that you wanted of me? Like the twin ivory towers on September 11, all my dreams came crumbling down.
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Like soldiers of the cross and your infantry that we were, we quickly gathered in circles and clusters and began to pray. Innocently we all felt it was impossible for you to go … I held your feet and called your name for hours, yet you didn’t respond. How could you not respond to my call? I have never called you three times and you do not respond or at least shout back at me: “Can’t you see I’m busy?” Then I’d know I got your attention. That was when it dawn on me the true definition of #death.
So this is what death truly means? Does this mean I never get to talk to you again? How long will it take for you to come by? This can’t be this forever. This is so cruel. Who will I run to? Who will I turn to? I was barely a teenager, how can I face the world out there all by myself? Your “Little Esther” is home, how are we going to explain this to her?
Months later, we led a band of buses to Afaha Ubiom (your hometown) where you would be laid to rest. People from all works of life were gathered. Canopies filled your front house. Alas, a funeral… So this truly is how the story would end? I was made to read biography and how I did that without breaking into tears, how that happened, I cannot remember.
I took my camera and had photos of you lying still in-state… mom was helpless, if only you could hear her cry, you’d listen to the one you loved most… hours later, reality kicked in again. There you were, 6 feet below… Now we were left to our fate.
The next month I came back with my results with no proud father to show it to… Mum was too sorrowful to look at anything… All her sentences ended with: “if only your dad was here”… I told myself someday I’ll do all the things you wanted me to do and I know that that is exactly what you’ll want of me…
Daddy; Unyime is now Pas Ben Unyime-Jornsen, he now Pastor's a church known as THE EVER GLORIOUS WORD MINISTRY . A graduate of Geography and a proud father of three (3). Aniekan is now popularly known as Steward Godwin Jornsen and the Senior Pastor of IN HIS NAME BIBLE CHURCH; you see those computers he used to fiddle with at Mensah’s place? He’s now a Genius in it. He’s father to five (5) wonderful children. Uwem is now Pastor Uwem Joseph and has taken your place as Pastor in MOUNT ZION HOLY GHOST CHURCH INC where you co-founded. I’m quite sure you’ll be proud of him. He’s father to three (3) wonderful children. Imaobong (Love) is now Mrs. Love Imaobong Emmanuel. She saw herself through the higher institution and is now married and a proud mother of four. A sight you would have loved to behold. As for Kokoette, he’s gone International. He’s now known all over as K-O BABA. I can’t list the things he does for money and I’m certain he too can’t, but you would have been so proud to. Your baby, Esther is not doing poorly too. With an OND and a husband coming soon. People said I was your direct replica, I’ll walk in your stead but that’s a story for another day; at least you got three (3) Pastors already, that is obviously more than you bargained for. At least I would have showed you your daughter-in-law to be and I'm certain you would have loved her.
Lots of your children, you took in and father I may not have the resources to mention so as not to leave some out are all doing marvelously well.
Oceans may dry but i'll never forget the memories i have of you.
One thing is sure, that one thing that gave us all the hope and strength to fight relentlessly. There’ll be light at the end of the tunnel, and my silver lining I shall see when WE SHALL MEET AGAIN TO PATH NO MORE.