Wednesday 9 December 2015


What honour can a child give to a parent if not to honour their memory and give thanks to them for all they have been as Earthly Guardians.. Today 9th December made it exactly five years since She lost her Mother, and these words to here will break your heart.
Read her Tribute to her mom. You have one or two things to learn. 
May your soul Rest in Peace Madam Ada Igoni.

It has been five years today and as the days rolls by, each moment passing, continues to bring your thoughts  ever green in my heart, I wish so very much that you lived longer to see how great Grace has carried me forward upwards. Yes the strive show up and yes I wish you were still around to remind me that God rules over the affairs of men especially His own. Little wonder you named me (Iyaye- meaning Mine).
You were a very strong woman Independent and industrious. You never dwelled on your condition (as a physically challenged person) You saw and had no reason why a human being would not hardness their full potentials rather than seeking for pity or sympathy from another.
You were a great disciplinarian, who saw life as it was, you will without lifting a ginger insist that one should work hard to gain success. You refuse to see gender with people, all you saw are human. You didn’t discriminate neither were you a feminist. You were just simply human.

Am so blessed in all ramifications to have you as my mother. Against all odds you were steadfast in all the good Lord entrusted to you the chief of which is me.
Ibinyigibo, idein namusam, pa- koruma dein inyo sara –sime.
Your beloved daughter. 


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