Friday 11 December 2015

Pastor Taiwo Odukoya's Tribute In Memory of His Wife LatePastor Bimbo Odukoya

Pastor Taiwo Odukoya's Tribute In Memory of His Wife LatePastor Bimbo Odukoya

Pastor Bimbo Odukoya   
(September 12, 1960 – December 11, 2005) 

Was a Nigerian Pastor and Televangelist who was married to the founder of The Fountain Of Life Church Pastor Taiwo Odukoya. Pastor Odukoya, often called "Pastor Bims," was a receiver of over 60 national and international awards for her contributions to nation building, the development of her country, Nigeria, and the West Africa sub region, and for leadership as a woman of high moral standards and a role model to many. 
Until her death she was A writer, popular televangelist, highly sought conference speaker, youth mentor and marriage counsellor, she was one of several individuals chosen by Samsung to represent Nigeria in carrying the Olympic Torch in AthensGreece at the 2004 Olympic Games. She died as a result of the Sosoliso Airlines Flight 1145 crash. - Wikipedia 

Her husband Pastor Taiwo Odukoya took to Facebook in memory of her demise, 10 years today since her passing on..:

"It is exactly ten years since the grim incident that led to the passing of my late wife, ‘Bimbo Odukoya. Yet, as I look through the years, I am awash with feelings of gratitude. God, in His character, has been faithful. I am particularly grateful for the life that ‘Bimbo lived and the legacies she left behind. It is incredible that ten years after her passing, her teachings continue to impact families, and the initiatives she drove while with us, are still here, touching the nations. Indeed, only God could have chosen an eager teenage girl and built her into a woman of international repute, to His glory alone. Only God could have given such a unique assignment and given the grace to run with it. And only God could have determined when the curtains were drawn.

If there is therefore any lesson we must consciously strive to remember, it is that there is a divine calling and assignment on every life God created. As we celebrate ‘Bimbo today, let us stop to ask ourselves: ‘am I truly in the place of my assignment? am I living the life God intended?’ This should drive your life’s philosophy as it did hers. The world will celebrate your influence in Jesus name." 

We pray may her soul continue to Rest in Peace

Wednesday 9 December 2015


What honour can a child give to a parent if not to honour their memory and give thanks to them for all they have been as Earthly Guardians.. Today 9th December made it exactly five years since She lost her Mother, and these words to here will break your heart.
Read her Tribute to her mom. You have one or two things to learn. 
May your soul Rest in Peace Madam Ada Igoni.

It has been five years today and as the days rolls by, each moment passing, continues to bring your thoughts  ever green in my heart, I wish so very much that you lived longer to see how great Grace has carried me forward upwards. Yes the strive show up and yes I wish you were still around to remind me that God rules over the affairs of men especially His own. Little wonder you named me (Iyaye- meaning Mine).
You were a very strong woman Independent and industrious. You never dwelled on your condition (as a physically challenged person) You saw and had no reason why a human being would not hardness their full potentials rather than seeking for pity or sympathy from another.
You were a great disciplinarian, who saw life as it was, you will without lifting a ginger insist that one should work hard to gain success. You refuse to see gender with people, all you saw are human. You didn’t discriminate neither were you a feminist. You were just simply human.

Am so blessed in all ramifications to have you as my mother. Against all odds you were steadfast in all the good Lord entrusted to you the chief of which is me.
Ibinyigibo, idein namusam, pa- koruma dein inyo sara –sime.
Your beloved daughter. 


Wednesday 2 December 2015

Death on Arik Air, Nigeria

According to Nigerian News Outlet Vanguard,  a passenger onboard Arik Air (A Nigerian Local Airline) enroute Lagos from Owerri.

The Spokesman of Arik Air, made a statement that : "A middle-aged man abroad Arik Air's Owerr-Lagos flight was this afternoon confirmed dead by Doctors on arrival at the Lagos airport, The passenger boarded the flight from Owerri in the company of a relative. He started showing signs of uneasiness midway into the flight." Mr Adebanji Ola further mentioned that the body of the man has been deposited in the mortuary by the Police while investigation into the immediate cause of death is ongoing.

We say may His Soul Rest in Peace.



When we reached out to The Ajubo's family to write a tribute to their late father, we didn't know we struck a cord or remembrance, commitment and Respect to their father.. 
Below are their words...
May Elder Sunny T. Ajubo Rest In Peace.

How can we say a few words to do justice to all the years of love and strength you have given us? 
And our hearts feels so low, as we try to face the reality of your departure. 
We miss the sound of your voice at those moments when you advises us or gave us moral support. 
Your life touched so many of us along the way. 
No one really wants to say goodbye, so we wish you eternal peace. 
Mr. & Mrs. Tamunodiepiriye G. Ajubo 
“Where is my Sake Sake?” I asked grandma. She didn’t answer me. She only turned her face and wiped her eyes. 
“Mummy, where is grandpa?” I asked pointing to your bed. 
Mummy said you have gone to heaven to be with God. 
I still hope to see you someday so you can explain where you have been. 
I miss you… Sake! Sake!! 
Tamunoibuomie Emmanuel Ajubo 

You left so early Sir… 
I and my family really miss your care and jokes. 
You are like a friend that we can tell all that bothers us and you advises us accordingly. 
We love you and we will continue to remember you. 
Rest in the bosom of the Lord. 
Mr. & Mrs David Edokpa 

Openness to everyone, caution with everyone. 
Either ways, nothing can be more formidable than a life lived with knowledge of Christ. 
This life is what you encouraged and taught us all to live by and that is what we celebrate as you pass on. 
Thank you for being the father you were. 
Myne Wilfred 

Big Daddy, you are my lion, you set me on the right path, nurtured me to be a courageous man. 
You made sure the least person around you was affected by your love and care, you were a blessing to humanity. 
I can never ask for a better Dad… Goodbye 
Mr. Daso H. Ajubo 

Chei, my colossus… 
You were a great inspiration. 
I cherish the good times we shared together. 
My love for you retains till we meet again 
Sleep well, Dad 
Abiye Nefertiti Ajubo 

Rabbi taught me how not to be offended to the point of forgiveness against anyone irrespective of the persons point of view. 
Demand from life what you deserve or desire. 
Make humour over issues you can’t control. 
Above all, love the ones you call family… 
Adieu Daddy. 
Pst & Dcns. Bright Ajubo 

Like one of you wise sayings, the way to a man's heart is his belly. You taught me on how to work hard to keep yourself full n sickness free. 
Goodbye Dad. 
Lt & Mrs. Tamuno-opubo P. Ajubo 

Rabbi you are a man of truth and a man of your words. 
Rest in Peace… 
Iyabo Oyebanji 

You are a brother indeed… Adieu my brother and father. 
Tamunopekerebia Daka 

Daddy you taught us to emulate good aspects of life, learn wisdom, Fear God and keep his commandments. 
Sleep well Daddy… 
Sup. Ap. & Ant. Mary C. S. Elenwo & Family

Final Funeral Rites of Late Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwaste II

According to Vanguard News The funeral rites for the late Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwatse II, came to an end yesterday, at Ode-Itsekiri, the ancestral home of the  Itsekiri nation with encomiums showered on the late Olu by eminent Nigerians extolling the virtues of the late Olu.
He was described as a quintessential royal father who led by example and impacted positively on the lives of many who came across him.
He was also described as an icon of the traditional institution  and an embodiment of the culture and pride of Warri people, presiding over a kingdom that dates back to the 14th century and exemplified the awe and majesty of the traditional ancestry.
Ogiame Atuwatse II will forever be remembered as a father, a bridge builder, reformist, peace loving and most importantly, a faithful  Christain king who stood by his belief in Jesus Christ in-spite of the challenges that his responsibility as an African traditional ruler demanded.
A statement at the end of the funeral rites said: “We will definitely miss him. Throughout his reign, he was a beacon of hope and unity of the Itsekiri nation, a wise leader and worthy king who has left his foot print on the sands of time. He stood out amongst kings and became a reference point for majesty and dignity. He contributed a great deal   to the development of   Nigeria.”
The high point of the   funeral rites was the rich display of Itsekiri culture and tradition by the entire Itsekiri nation. Dances of various forms reserved for royality were on display throughout the 14-day period, especially the ancient Ogolo dance by Irigbo people, which is a spiritual dance where the drummers sit on mats beating special drums made of metal  basins while the women dance. It is usually performed only for kings and was staged on day 4 with a full dance troupe of 250 persons performing. This dance was performed 28 years ago when Atuwatse II was crowned.
The Ojomo of Warri Kingdom Chief Tesigiweno Yaya Pessu, who is the chairman of Olu Advisory Council and Warri Traditional Council shed more light on the rite of passage for the late Olu. He said that December  3, 2015 marked the end of the funeral rites for Ogiame Atuwatse II, adding that the 14 days programme had come to an end and the ban on festivities in Warri Kingdom had been lifted as the mourning period for the late Atuwatse II had ended.

We say Rest in Peace. 

Saturday 28 November 2015

Speaker Rivers State House of Assembly Ikunyi Ibani lays father to rest (Burials)

The burial of Late High Chief Brownson Okofo Ibani, Ogbodo I I, father of the Speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly today 28th November 2015 at Ataba town, Andoni Local Government Area. Rivers State. 
Speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly, Ikunyi Ibani said his father was a community development leader who fought for his people. 
He said that the late traditional ruler and politician believed in the community service and lived his life for the people.
The burial was attended by members of the Rivers State House of Assembly, Caretaker Committee Chairmen and community leaders. The Governor of Rivers State His Excellency Nyesom E. Wike was represented by the Rivers State Commissioner for Housing, Barr. Emma Okah said : "All those who have the opportunity must impact positively on the lives of those around them.
"At the end of our lives on earth, we will be judged by those we leave behind. Therefore, we must endeavour to work hard to develop the society ".
He described the Late High Chief Brownson Okofo Ibani as a man who lived for the people and had the vision of investing his resources in the wellbeing of his people.
Speaker and members of the Rivers State House of Assembly at the burial

Late High Chief Brownson Okofo Ibani lying in state

Representative of Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike and Housing Commissioner, Mr Emma Okah and Speaker Rivers State House of Assembly, Ikunyi Ibani 

Speaker, Rivers State House of Assembly, Ikunyi Ibani leads traditional chiefs into the burial venue

Speaker, Rivers State House of Assembly, Ikunyi Ibani, Representative of Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike and Housing Commissioner, Mr Emma Okah, Special Adviser on Project Monitoring and Implementation, Prof Atuboyebia Obianeme and Head of Civil Service, Barr Reuben Godwins 

May the soul of the departed Rest In Peace.. 

Ruby Igwe's Tribute To Her Mother Amaka Igwe.

When Amaka Igwe died, the whole Nigeria was in an uproar for such a talent to leave earth..
We all tried to  commensurate with th family on Facebook and attend the burial ceremony..

But did we know that there is a website dedicated to her for friends to give tributes and say a prayer for her still. Amaka Igwe Memorial Website

This year,  Amaka Igwe’s daughter, Ruby Igwe, took to her Facebook page to share a touching tribute.
Dear Mummy,
RE: One Year On.
It’s been one year today since you moved house, moved home, exchanged Earth for eternity. No forwarding address that I can visit and come back from. No quit notice. No forewarning. No explanation. You vanished.
I first thought that like in Scandal, or Hawaii Five-O, you weren’t really gone. I dreamt about your comeback, I borrowed all the scenarios from every action movie. It was going to be epic!
I imagined the explanations, the super-secrecy types, the massive conspiracy that you had to thwart, how sorry-not-sorry you would be because you had to do what you had to do. I prepped how long I would be angry for. (Five minTribute
But you didn’t show up. So far, no comeback.
So. I wonder how you and Mrs. Onwe and Uncle Efere and Buge Rewane and Uncle ‘Tapuluto Otulopo’ Oforbuike and Grandpaand everyone in heaven are gisting by now, if it is still as heavy as your first day.
Tell me Mummy, have you seen Adam and Eve? Or is there, like, a wait list? Please don’t tell Eve I said I would punch her once I get there because she caused childbirth pains et al.
Or maybe you should, so by the time I get there her beef would have diminished.
I wonder how many A-Fests you’ve held, and whether your film villages are threatening God’s cattle on a thousand hills. Have you screened the movie Aunty Ireti was talking about yet? Do you have a million series being produced at once?
Are there football leagues? Like, a Heaven Premiership? Is Jesus always Man of the Match? I wonder if you’ve played so much football like the good old days that you dribble with your legs in your sleep. I wonder if you sleep.
Does Angel Michael now wear Ankara? I wonder if the angels have now started speaking Wawa, and if the smell of the ogiri you and Mrs. Onwe must be putting in soups has chased the people who own mansions next to you.
Are you going to have an anniversary party? One year in heaven? Or if a thousand years are like a day, have you spent… forget it. The math is beyond me. Are you going to have a party though? Since heaven is a permanent turn up?
You know, Mummy, if not for God your death would have taken me with it. If not for God I would foolishly think to follow you. I know that you ran your race and you’re through. And I am forever proud.
After my denial, my kwata was that you left me here. You, my bestie, my bosom buddy. You left and left me reeling. I could not understand why. At first I thought you didn’t know. You couldn’t have known. Abi? Who knows these things?
But what was the context of the conversation we had the night before that night that lasted nearly two hours? Why did you stress more than usual how much you loved me and were proud of me?
Why did you sound like you were saying goodbye? How can I rationalize that you didn’t know? So, then I figured you knew. Maybe God whispered it to you and told you not to tell anyone.
But if you knew, what was the point of all our plans? All our tactile, possible plans? For you to do the law degree that eluded you back in your day, so we would graduate at the same time next year?
To practice law for half of the year in our ‘law shop’ and make movies and content all around the world for the other half? Plans for all the business ideas we’d think up and write down for later, with very little effort?
Plans for my wedding, and all the visions and thoughts you had, with the fresh flowers and the non-fussy dress and the non-generic vows? Plans to one day kidnap all your grandchildren over Christmas and vanish to Turkey?
For you to die at 85, nko? What happened to that plan? What happened to three score and ten, at least? What’s this, reverse African time? If you knew, why did we even make any plans?
If you knew, why was the very last thing you said to me ‘I’ll call you back?’ Or is there network in heaven? I didn’t get the memo. Are you that private number that I never manage to pick up in time? Ah no, I couldn’t think that you knew either.
You see, I’ve cycled through enough stages of grief to win the Tour de France.
Yet. Yet. Yet.
God is. And that is enough for me, enough to settle all of these questions in my head. He is faithful. He is present. He is sure. It is still well. These plans now foregone will find their way into the context of my life one way or another.
Either in a book or a series or a play or a movie or in my future reality. Or maybe just as memories, documented here and now. I trust Him; and I miss you. Words can’t even truly encapsulate the depth.
It’s been one year and I miss you as hard as if it was last night. I don’t think I will ever stop. But that’s fine. I don’t want to ever stop missing you. To stop would be to negate all those incredible memories we’ve got together.
Memories plentiful, strong and vivid enough to make me laugh for hours on end. Memories to inspire me, and move me. I remain so proud of you and astounded by you. I look at how much of a legacy you have left behind.
A legacy of talent, a legacy of dedication, discipline, self-determination, integrity, strength, loyalty and humility. And a legacy of people. Thank you. I celebrate you. I’m so glad I had you as my mother, and as my friend, my very best friend.
You showed me practically, love with great intensity, and day on day I learn about God’s even more infinitely intense love for me. The love I have to give becomes ever more refined as a result.
How am I? Awesome. Busy, very busy. Living, learning, and growing. There is a lot to do. I don’t have a blueprint of how my life is going to go. I thought I did. I just have the assurance that it’s going to be the definition of epic.
It is hard to not have you here to see me see this, and experience that. But I cannot be crippled by my grief, or consumed by it. My race still requires me to run. I need to finish strong. I definitely will not grieve like someone who has no hope.
We grieve with hope.
At your tribute on the 9th of June last year I said ‘know that I am coming’. Coming to God, more and more on earth and in full in heaven, coming to you, when I get there, and coming to the world.
That is still true. It is still well. And I am still coming.
You keep doing you in heaven. I’ll see you when I see you.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Until forever.
– Ruby Igwe. The six-term lawyer & Barrister-to-be.

Sleep Well My Friend.

I first met Daerefaka Kalio Iyowuna on Facebook, because he was friends with my friends, we did the normal checkups and likes.. 
we've been friends and i met him immediately i came back from Singapore. He was a lively person, besides he was Okrika
Ive been having this idea to create a platform where people would come out and say lovely things about people who we once loved, met or appreciated in our lives.. Even as i have lost my Father, Uncle, Grandma and Aunty, Iyowuna made this idea come to pass... 
My Facebook page was enough to just dedicate how much i missed them untill My friend Died.. 
I read it off Facebook that he died, and i went for the burial at Okrika where he was buried..


I dedicate this page Memorials to be an avenue for people to share their stories about a deceased loved one, its unfortunate that we have to wait for Facebook memories to remind us that it is one year since they left earth. To preserve their memories.
I believe that as we go through life, memories of these Dearly Departed ones flashes through our thoughts and we smile, sometimes we cry, sometimes we call their names and say a little prayer to their soul. But we remember them either ways and wished we told them things we should have said.
The best part is what Memorials need is a story or tribute or favourite sayings of these loved ones to our email (with or without their images), their year of birth and death and we use your tributes and stories to console and inspire someone who is grieving or hurting.. 
Please if you have anything to write or say about Iyowuna... you can send to the email listed and we will be posting it on the blog and Facebook page.. 
God Bless Your Soul.. My Friend.

Cecilia Iniperitaiari Dikibo

Wednesday 25 November 2015

A Company Employee Died and How The Colleagues Reacted.. (Motivational Short Story)

One day all the employees reached the office and saw a big advice written on the door. Yesterday the person who has been stopping your growth in this company passed away. You are invited to join the funeral. In the beginning, they got sad for the death of one of their colleagues,but after a while they got curious to know who was the man who stopped their growth.

Everyone thought: 'Well at least the man who stopped my progress died!'
One by one the thrilled employees got closer to the coffin,and when they looked inside they were speechless. They stood shocked in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their soul. There was a mirror inside the coffin and everyone who looked inside could see him/herself.
There was a sign next to the mirror that read: "There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your growth...It is you. You are the only person who can influence your happiness, success and realisation."

Your life does not change when your boss, friend or company changes.....your life changes when you go beyond your limiting beliefs and you realize you are the only one responsible for your life. "It is you who can impact, influence and change your WORLD".

It's the way you face life that makes the difference!
If an egg is broken from the ends but if it is broken from
the inside force life begins. Great things always begin from our inside.
If everyone influences his/her world, the world will be a better place
for living.


Tuesday 24 November 2015

Memorialsng: Late DSP Alamieyeseigha Tribute page on Facebook

Memorialsng: Late DSP Alamieyeseigha Tribute page on Facebook:

 DID YOU KNOW... The Late DSP Alamieyeseigha Tribute Page where you can write a tribute to him and get information on his upcoming buria...

Our Favourite Quotes

We at Memorialsng, believe that words spoken should always make us look forward to living life positively and void of and form of depressions.. That is why we aim at getting favourite sayings, quotes and stories of the people who we have lost in the hands of times.. 
We believe that irrespective of the hurts we feel when we loss someone, we have memories of them that can inspire another go through their own hurt. 

Share their stories, Treasure their memories with us...

The following are one of the quotes we believe can give inspiration and motivation to our daily lives..











Late DSP Alamieyeseigha Tribute page on Facebook


The Late DSP Alamieyeseigha Tribute Page where you can write a tribute to him and get information on his upcoming burial arrangements. Until his death DSP was husband to Margaret Alamieyeseigha, and father of Tonbra, Doubra, Blackie. He was first civilian Governor of Bayelsa State (1999-2005), he was fondly known as Governor General of the Ijaw Nation and to a great many people he was simply Olotu.

May he's soul Rest in Peace.
- Memorialsng
Share their stories with us, with an image of your loved lost one. 
(Write us on 

The Sun Finally Set's...... (A tribute By Malik Shabbazz Abdulmalik to His Father Late Isaac Percy Ododozie-Awuzie)

The Sun Finally Set's...... 

(A tribute By Malik Shabbazz Abdulmalik to His Father Late Isaac Percy Ododozie-Awuzie)

The sun finally set, perhaps prematurely for Isaac Percy Obodozie-Awuzie…

One of Dennis Awuzie”s most colorful and flamboyant sons. Percy, noted for his engineering sagacity, intellectual elasticity and bombastic German phraseology like all mortals bowed to the cold hands of death months after his 70th birthday. Like the engaging person he was, living up to the Shakespearean aphorism,” when beggars die there are no comets seen, but heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes” …A prince he was…

The death of Percy Isaac Obodozie-Awuzie is symptomatic of the growing dearth of principle and courage in the family. Like him or hate him, the former IBM Germany technical engineer, MD of MaPecy Engineering Company was an eloquent speaker with engineering tenacity, and most robust predisposition for constructive humanitarian engagement and dialogue. As an Engineer he was a success story, ranked amongst the finest breed of engineering. He struggled tenaciously to empricise his absorbed academic electrical philosophies.Therefore; he was ready to suffer fools gladly before hawks in the engineering world. 


Already, true to his looming influence and contributions while alive, the late Engineer’s death albeit controversial, is eliciting diverse reactions from across the land and off the shore.However, one fact remains eternal and unvarnished in the unfolding scenario-Percy did not die unsung and unmourned.But none of his tormentors (Ill-health) will boastfully claim they will be larger in death and mourned like he is. The concern and interest generated by his death is a measure of his influence and solid humanitarian imprints while traversing the terrestrial plane. Certainly, he will be smiling with celestial bodies now, knowing that his efforts were not in vain, after all…

Once he stepped into a place, most people on impulse rose from their seats, chanting, Percy intoto! Percy Intoto! Percy with a rare charisma, smiles back confidently, acknowledging cheers from his peers. He was in no doubt-well loved and highly respected by his peers. More so, his arresting intellectual bombastic effusions further sinewed his charisma. Obviously, Percy earned his respect. A father of five loving children, an engineer of repute, accomplished academic, he was truly a rare gem and a qualitative engineer.

He was an engineer, a friend and a brother and father. But at 03:30p.m, August 24, Isaac Chukwunyelueze Percy Obodozie-Awuzie like every mortal died.

At 70, Percy had become a colossus of sorts even the mention of his name triggered off different emotions among those who had close contact with him and those who never set their eyes on him.Blunt, arrogant, sarcastic, caustic, charismatic, humorous, brash.Those were some of the ways he was described because he meant different things to different people. Born to run, Percy once confessed that running was his second nature.
Oliver Wendell Hormes, an American Physician and writer, said, “To live is to function, that is all there is to in living”. Percy functioned till his death, and death is the irreversible loss of function.
What could be the drive that brought Percy so far? His background, he once admitted”my parental background is an informed background, socially, culturally, educationally”.
He had Four Brothers, Joseph, Solomon, Peter, Patrick and five sisters, Maria, Cecilia, Philomena, Julianna, Patricia and Celestine.
While at college, Percy was stubborn alongside the late Rt.Hon.Dr.Chuba Wilberforce Okadigbo.He was known for his radical activities.

Interestingly, Percy was a man of great passion.”I love my mother, father, wife and children. If anyone tries to mess up with them, in the course of saving them, I will be ready to die” he once said. And so He did… Percy died because he did not want to suffer his children who were his treasures on this good old earth.

Certain dates were important to Percy. The Independence Day for example was always on his mind not to mention of his children’s birth dates, nieces and nephews alike. Perhaps another day that would have been very close to his heart is the day he would have walked on his feet again, a hale and hearty man of 70.But that day would never be because the man died.

Sunday 22 November 2015


On the 18th of November Kano state in Nigeria got hit by a twin bomb blast, this was how we felicitated with the ones affected by the bombing... Kano Got Hit


Deadly explosion hits ‪#‎Kano‬ just 24 hours after a bomb explored in ‪#‎Yola‬Nigeria
No Human life is valued above another..
Every Human life is important!



On the 16th of November 2015, we posted a picture of Chief Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe, P.C. on  Memorialsng Facebook Page with a little detail as to when he ruled. 

Chief Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe, P.C
(16 November 1904 – 11 May 1996), 
Referred to as ZIK of Africa, was one of the leading figures of modern Nigerian nationalism.
He was head of state of Nigeria from 1963 to 1966.
He served as the second and last Governor-General from 1960 to 1963
First President of Nigeria from 1963 to 1966, holding the presidency throughout the Nigerian First Republic.
Source - Wikipedia


Francis Agu Ever Fresh in Memories.

Francis Agu Ever Fresh in Memories.

When we loose someone.. we loose a part of us.. but we hold on to memories of them..

Evergreen in our hearts.... 

Francis Agu..
Profession - Nollywood Actor (Pioneer)


J. T. TOM WEST (Of Blessed Memory)

Lets Keep Their Memories EverGreen 

J. T. TOM WEST (Of Blessed Memory)

It's so hard to forget someone who gave us so much to Remember.. 
Once graced our screens with his talents... 
Do you Remember him? Or the movies he featured in? 

(We are the Legacy we leave behind.. Our stories and life should inspire another) 

Image - J T. Tom West.. 
Profession - ‪#‎Nollywood‬ Actor 



Welcome To Memorialsng blogspot..

The essence of life is that moments should not be taken for granted, and as humans we have no reason to underestimate the values of memories shared, let alone allow cherished thoughts pass us by. 
At MEMORIALSng we aim at preserving the memories of our Dearly Departed, that their existence on earth will always be remembered and adored from generations to come, to enable people express how they feel for their loved ones that have departed. we know that some memories are too dear to keep all to ourselves and we believe that wen people share their stories with us we it can affect another's life in terms of holding on or inspiring to be strong and comforted..

Let us preserve these thoughts and memories you have of them. 
Share the stories of your loved lost ones with us at
(Your stories Should contain)
- Tribute to them, ( memorable, aspiring and inspiring)
- Favorite Quotes or Saying (Originally Theirs)
- Bio (Date of Birth - Year of Death) (Not more than 200 words )
- Large Portrait of them (Joyful Smiles)

May the souls of the departed continue to rest in peace..

- #Memorialsng